Kids Can Be Expensive! Here Are Some Tax Breaks to Help.

Kids can pose challenges from every direction for their parents – feeding times, car seats, sleep schedules, strollers, child care, and of course…taxes! What most parents don’t consider is that these bundles of joy complicate their tax situation. Here are some tax Read More

The Benefits of Being a Sole Proprietor

Many start-up businesses move from hobby status to a business when they start to make a profit. The tax entity typically used is a sole proprietorship. Taxes on this business activity type flow through your personal tax return on a Schedule C. Read More

Protecting Your Digital Footprint

In today’s digital age, it’s impossible to avoid the internet. Even if you don’t have a computer and actively avoid social media, there is information about you in some corner of the web. Here are some ideas to help you manage your Read More

Ideas to Help Teach Your Kids About Money

It’s never too early to start teaching your kids about money. By proactively explaining how money and banking work in the real world, you can help them begin their adult lives on solid financial footing. Here are some ideas. Help kids to Read More

Start Your Tax Planning NOW!

Keeping your taxes as low as possible requires paying attention to your financial situation throughout the year. Here are some tips for getting a head start on tax planning for your 2024 return: Review your paycheck withholdings. Now is a good time Read More

Retirement Plan Options for Small Business Owners

Offering a retirement plan can be a powerful tool when you’re competing to attract the best employees. And if you’re a sole proprietor, a retirement account can help you save even more money for the future. Here are some of the most Read More

Oh No! Your Tax Refund is Now a Bill

Many taxpayers start preparing their tax return with hopes of receiving a sizable refund, only to find out that their actual refund is much smaller than expected — or that they actually owe the federal government money instead! If this happens to Read More

Important Moves to Consider When Interest Rates Change

A domino effect occurs each time the Federal Reserve changes interest rates. An increase leads to higher rates for consumers when they borrow, while paving the way to better returns for savings accounts. A decrease results in paying less interest when borrowing Read More

Your Brain on Social Media

How to make online interaction better for your health More than half the world now uses social media sites such as Facebook, X, and Instagram every day. The average user spends about 2 hours and 23 minutes on these platforms clicking, liking, Read More